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Planning Permission Approved for Contemporary New Home near Derby City Centre.

MMA has received planning approval for a new contemporary four-bedroom house to be built on Duffield Road/Stanley Close on the outskirts of Derby City Centre.

The new dwelling will be constructed on the site of an existing garage that will be demolished to make way for the sleek new home. The new property will front on to Stanley Close.

The new dwelling is designed with a modern appearance and is easily distinguishable from the historic architecture of the existing and neighbouring dwellings. With a narrow frontage the design is looking to create a modern interjection between the traditional and contemporary.

The dwelling is fundamentally sustainable, a highly insulated, green energy building designed for modern family life. On entering the dwelling steps will led down to the main ground floor living accommodation, the steps address the change in levels across the site and allow the new property to have a level garden from the kitchen and living areas. The property will have 4 bedrooms on the upper level. There will be parking for three cars and an electric charge point for each one.

The proposed dwelling received a lot of interest and was granted approval at the Committee meeting on Thursday 9 September.

If you would like advice on architectural services contact Matthew Montague on 01335 330510 or email

Sustainable, modern design.

The house fronts onto Stanley Close.


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